Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our Heartsy Promotion

Heartsy - Daily deals on fabulous handmade items, at least 50% off.

Yesterday we were featured on! We received such a great response from everyone. Thanks to those who bought vouchers! We were sold out within an hour and a half. We then agreed to offer 50 more and that sold out (again!) several hours later. It was a crazy day yesterday of answering emails/convos, sending out invoices, processing orders and buying more supplies! By 8pm last night I was EXHAUSTED! 

This morning I'm still answering all convos sent my way and my mom is busy packing orders. As of right now we have about 50+ orders to fill! Luckily most are ready to ship, but there are a few that need to be sewn. (This is going to be a busy week!)

We hope to have ALL orders (including custom orders) shipped out no later than Thursday (5/19). I'm just crossing my fingers that we get our fabric shipped to us in time! Everyone seems to love our cupcake stuff. :)

More of this fabric is on its way! If you missed out on these yesterday don't worry, we'll be relisting them soon. :) We also have lots of NEW goodies to be added too. I just need to find the time to sew it all.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bibs, Blankets and Burpcloths!

We know not everyone needs baby shower gifts, but if you're a mom you'll definitely be using lots of bibs, burp cloths and blankets.

Have you seen our new items? Lots of boutique style bibs, burpies and stroller sized baby blankets in our shop right now... with many more fabric choices to come! Using premium fabrics from great artists like Alexander Henry, Michael Miller, Heidi Grace, Studio E, Debbie Mumm, Riley Blake, Amy Butler and more.

Sweet Baby Sprinkles